Graphic music / musical interpretation of paintings
Ever since its origins Kwartludium has not solely focused on reading scores but has persistently developed the art of modern improvisation. This particularly important stream of contemporary music is present in the creative output of many outstanding composers of our times such as Karlheinz Stockhausen, Cornelius Cardew, Dubravko Detoni, Carl Bergstroem-Nilsen or Christian Wolf. Works of these composers are characterized above all by abstract graphics or else by aphoristic instructions regarding ways of shaping form, type of sound, texture, narration. Through their denial of traditional musical notation, these compositions open for their performers unlimited possibilities of artistic expression. Therefore this music is planned and simultaneously gives the performers freedom and the chance to use their own imagination.
Natural consequence of Kwartludium’s quest in the area of graphic music is the attempt to face works of young Polish visual artists in terms of their tonality. The ensemble made one step further and made their aim to interpret works which primarily were meant to be merely works of visual art. Through music the musicians of Kwartludium are attempting to reflect form, abstraction, colour or texture. This creates the chance to perceive art multidimensionally.
Concert programme:
Graphic music:
Karlheinz Stockhausen – Aus den Sieben Tagen (fragm.)
Cornelius Cardew – Tretease (excerpt)
Dubravko Detoni – Blatt 1, Blatt 2
Carl Bergstroem-Nilsen – Frameworks
Christian Wolf – Edges
Roman Haubenstock-Ramati – Decisions
Musical interpretation of paintings:
Karol Radziszewski, Twożywo, Rafał Bujnowski, Adam X, Pola Dwurnik, Anna Okrasko, Adam Witkowski